Hey, guys. Another week has past and time to change and or remove a letter, how about RIGHT.

Obviously feel free to change it up. But this is kind of an interesting word to see what it might conjure up in people's minds.

All the best! --DB

Thursday, September 27, 2007


I know, cheap shot, nothing about Flight. But he's "taking flight" from the tenebrous beasite... It's no great shakes, but I try to do at least one doodle a day before real work be it good or not. --dancing bear


Rich said...

This is a great piece man, very cool. Hey the whole idear is to do what ever you like with the subject, I say it captures flight.
New Subject on Monday, any idears?

John Keane said...

Glad you like it. Just trying to do a doodle every day before I start drawing for proper. Keeps the brain ticking over. It can go into my sketchbook for next year at San Diego.

Crazy idea. Maybe change the word for each week by adding, subtracting or changing no more than two letters from the word Flight :-) And just let it evolve as you keep adding and/or subtracting letters from the new words.

So next week could be Fight, Fright, Freight etc.

That's my two cents anyway.